This is a suggested checklist for a one-week camper.

 Click Here for PDF

We suggest packing in a trunk, small stacking plastic drawers, a suitcase, or duffel bag. Campers place their luggage under or at the foot of their bunk.

2025 Packing List




Theme Days for 2025

 These are optional, fun dress up days throughout the session. We encourage everyone to be creative and silly with your outfits, but please don't feel the need to buy lots of items. Hopefully you already have some fun things around the house she can use. We want these days to be fun and not stressful!

TBD - announced March 1st


Rocky River Ranch | Summer Camp Programs

Summer Camp Programs

The perfect summer is waiting for your daughter aged 5 to 14 at Rocky River— filled to the brim with new friendships, challenging activities and, most importantly, lots of fun! Check out our day camp and resident camp options.

Rocky River Ranch | Weekend Programs

Weekend Programs

In the hot summer months, we’re an all-girls camp, but the rest of the year, we offer year ‘round fun at our Great Escapes for women and Mother-Daughter weekends!

Rocky River Ranch | Event Rentals

Event Rentals

Rocky River Ranch is the perfect solution for your special event! We host family reunions, church retreats, teacher work days, company picnics, Girl Scout groups, and more with lodging for up to 135 guests.

Start your own

Rocky River Ranch experience


I honestly believe that I wouldn't be the same person if not for my many years at Rocky River, and each year that passes makes me more aware of the grace I found here and the gift of the chance to become one of the few ... a Rocky River girl. To the land of the triple R, I pledge my heart to you!

‒  Alyson Stringer Steakley Years at camp: '82-'89, 1993

My summers at RRR were the most special times of my childhood. I have so many great memories that I'll never forget. Thanks to Rocky River, I found my true calling in life … teaching children! And, I fell in love with Wimberley so much, that I live here now!

‒  Mollie Cessac Booth Years at camp: 1979-1991, 1999-2000

I will forever remember Rocky River Ranch as the greatest place on earth! To this day I still remember the nine summers that I spent at Rocky River Ranch. I hope to have my children experience camp as I did so many years ago.

‒  Tasha Ancira Roberts Years at camp: 1977-1985

I would definitely not be the person I am today without the experience of camp. I remember being 7 years old and so excited about my first camp experience. I don't think I slept the entire night before leaving. When I arrived at camp it was the most wonderful place I had ever seen. Rue was my first counselor and she took the time to show me around and introduced me to the other girls. I was scared at first, but it did not last long. By the end of the first night camp already felt like a second home. By the end of my first two weeks I did not want to leave. Rocky River was a part of my life forever. In the end what I took away from camp was friendship, love, respect and confidence.

‒  Debbie Merian Polasek Years at camp: 1977-1987

I am grateful for the girls that Skeet, Sandy and Rue had as our counselors because of the character and leadership they taught me. I love them all. Many are my friends still and I cannot wait to see them again year after year. We are all grown, some mothers now, some in interesting careers, but all of us sharing one special thing in common -- outside of careers, husbands, family and schooling -- the RRR Spirit that endures in our everyday life.

‒  Brandi Mascione Roy Years at camp: 1978-1985

Mama Knolk — what a wonderful and gentle lady. She always wanted the best for us and for us to be our best.

‒  Jeanette Brian Lawrence Years at camp: 1960s