I honestly believe that I wouldn't be the same person if not for my many years at Rocky River, and each year that passes makes me more aware of the grace I found here and the gift of the chance to become one of the few ... a Rocky River girl. To the land of the triple R, I pledge my heart to you!
‒ Alyson Stringer Steakley
Years at camp: '82-'89, 1993
My summers at RRR were the most special times of my childhood. I have so many great memories that I'll never forget. Thanks to Rocky River, I found my true calling in life … teaching children! And, I fell in love with Wimberley so much, that I live here now!
‒ Mollie Cessac Booth
Years at camp: 1979-1991, 1999-2000
I will forever remember Rocky River Ranch as the greatest place on earth! To this day I still remember the nine summers that I spent at Rocky River Ranch. I hope to have my children experience camp as I did so many years ago.
‒ Tasha Ancira Roberts
Years at camp: 1977-1985
I would definitely not be the person I am today without the experience of camp. I remember being 7 years old and so excited about my first camp experience. I don't think I slept the entire night before leaving. When I arrived at camp it was the most wonderful place I had ever seen. Rue was my first counselor and she took the time to show me around and introduced me to the other girls. I was scared at first, but it did not last long. By the end of the first night camp already felt like a second home. By the end of my first two weeks I did not want to leave. Rocky River was a part of my life forever. In the end what I took away from camp was friendship, love, respect and confidence.
‒ Debbie Merian Polasek
Years at camp: 1977-1987
I am grateful for the girls that Skeet, Sandy and Rue had as our counselors because of the character and leadership they taught me. I love them all. Many are my friends still and I cannot wait to see them again year after year. We are all grown, some mothers now, some in interesting careers, but all of us sharing one special thing in common -- outside of careers, husbands, family and schooling -- the RRR Spirit that endures in our everyday life.
‒ Brandi Mascione Roy
Years at camp: 1978-1985
Mama Knolk — what a wonderful and gentle lady. She always wanted the best for us and for us to be our best.
‒ Jeanette Brian Lawrence
Years at camp: 1960s